Andrey Shalashov, Developer in Tallinn, Estonia
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Andrey Shalashov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Web Developer

Tallinn, Estonia
Toptal Member Since
August 11, 2017

Andrey是一位经验丰富的全栈web开发人员,拥有超过十年的React专业经验. 他拥有广泛的技能,包括使用React进行前端开发和使用Node等后端技术进行开发.js and relational databases. 他出色的分析能力和解决问题的心态, 加上他丰富的专业经验, 使他能够始终如一地交付高质量解决方案.


Thrive Health Inc.
CSS, React, WCAG 2,前端,JavaScript,可访问性,用户界面...
NYC-based Startup
Chromatic, Storybook, React, Node.js, Express.js, Next.js, JavaScript...
JavaScript, Node.js, React, Apollo Server, React Apollo, Next.js, GraphQL...




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, Storybook

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Principal Front-end Developer

2022 - 2023
Thrive Health Inc.
  • 在公司设计体系的成功实施中发挥了关键作用, ensuring consistency in visual design, user experience, 以及所有产品和平台的可访问性.
  • Worked closely with a product manager, developer team, 和设计师一起建立和实施设计标准, guidelines, and patterns that prioritized accessibility.
  • 进行必要的可访问性实现,并进行相关的a11y测试,以满足WCAG标准.
  • 通过测试和迭代,为设计系统的持续改进做出贡献.
Technologies: CSS, React, WCAG 2,前端,JavaScript,可访问性,用户界面, User Experience (UX), UX Design, UI Design, Storybook, Material UI, Node.js、HTML、TypeScript、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、样式组件

Principal Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
NYC-based Startup
  • 为纽约一家初创公司从零开始开发了一个最小可行产品(MVP)应用程序.
  • 使用Figma设计创建应用的前端,并使用GSAP添加动画.
  • 设计和实现数据处理逻辑和API集成.
  • 使用MUI库实现用户自定义主题.
  • 编写自动化单元、集成和端到端测试,以确保质量和可靠性.
  • 在Storybook和Chromatic中构建UI组件库和设计系统.
  • 为团队成员提供指导和代码审查,并为系统架构的设计和最佳编码实践的实现做出贡献.
Technologies: Chromatic, Storybook, React, Node.js, Express.js, Next.js, JavaScript, Shopify API, REST APIs, Front-end, Full-stack, Back-end, Heroku, Testing, Figma, Web Animation, GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), Material UI, CSS, HTML

Full-stack Software Engineer | Architect

2020 - 2021
  • 从头开始开发应用程序规范和架构,以满足客户需求.
  • Implemented GraphQL API using Express.js and React Apollo servers.
  • 使用由Next组成的技术栈参与前端的开发.js, Apollo Client, and React.
  • Integrated Google APIs, including Google Calendar and Google Maps, and Zapier API for seamless functionality.
  • 使用Stripe API实现支付和订阅.
  • 担任团队领导,指导几个开发人员和QA测试人员. 实施敏捷方法,以确保及时有效地交付解决方案.
  • 管理代码审查、维护和bug修复,并指导初级开发人员.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, React, Apollo Server, React Apollo, Next.js, GraphQL, Express.js, Google APIs, Stripe API, Stripe, Zapier, TypeScript, MongoDB, Mongoose, Redis, Architecture, Web Architecture, SaaS

Full-stack Software Engineer

2020 - 2020
Toptal Client
  • 实现了一个自定义React应用,该应用在后端使用WordPress作为无头CMS和Doctrine.
  • Implemented custom REST API endpoints for this app.
  • 为大型遗留代码库提供一般维护和bug修复.
  • Refactored legacy PHP codebase.
  • Implemented custom UI from Adobe XD designs.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、GitHub、Full-stack、Node.. js, Serverless, JavaScript, CSS, Sass, HTML, WordPress, PHP, Doctrine, Docker, React

Senior Full-stack Web Developer

2019 - 2020
Fleishers (via Toptal Projects)
  • 实现了一个自定义设计的WordPress主题. Designs provided by the Toptal designer.
  • 整合WooCommerce与现有POS在客户的场所.
  • 根据业务需要实现自定义站点特性和功能.
  • 修正了一个股票支付网关插件的错误和扩展的功能.
  • 参与系统架构设计,并提出改进建议和增加系统功能的建议.
  • 建立自动部署的CI/CD管道,从而为整个团队节省了大量时间.
Technologies: GitHub, eCommerce, Node.js, Payment Gateways, Payment APIs, Sprint Planning, Agile, APIs, Back-end, Front-end, Full-stack, HTML, Sass, Adobe Experience Design (XD), WordPress, JavaScript, PHP

Front-end Engineer

2019 - 2019
Double W
  • 根据提供的设计从头开始开发一个完全自定义的React前端.
  • 用GraphQL API建立一个无头CMS WordPress后端.
  • 在webhooks上工作,以便在内容更改时重建前端. Used Gatsby, hosted on Netlify.
  • 应用元素动画和页面过渡动画.
  • 实现了跟随鼠标指针的浮动blob动画.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), GitHub, GreenSock, GSAP, GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), Serverless Architecture, Headless CMS, Full-stack, Node.js,无服务器,JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web动画,WordPress,情感库,GraphQL, React

Implementation of Accessible Design System
As a major contributor, 在公司无障碍设计系统的成功实施中发挥了关键作用, ensuring consistency in visual design, user experience, 以及所有产品和平台的可访问性.

Completed Toptal's "Blockchain Challenge"

WordPress Source Theme for Gatsby
An open-source project of mine. Gatsby博客主题,允许使用WordPress作为无头CMS.

Corda Certified Developer



GSAP, Google Geocoding API, Google Maps API, Google Maps, Stripe API, Facebook API, REST APIs, Google APIs, Stripe, PayPal API, React, Node.. js, Shopify API, Auth0 API,剧作家,情感库,学说


Figma, GreenSock, GitHub, Google Analytics, GitLab, Jira, Git, Webpack, React Apollo, Zapier, Chromatic, Auth0, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Mongoose


Material UI, Bootstrap, Next.js, Express.js, Jest, Remix, Fastify, Cypress, Tailwind CSS


TypeScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Sass, SQL, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, GraphQL, ECMAScript (ES6)


Agile, Scrum, Responsive, Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile Software Development, Functional Programming, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Serverless Architecture, Testing, UX Design, UI Design, REST, Responsive Layout, Web Architecture, Responsive Development, Progressive Enhancement


GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), WordPress, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Heroku, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Algolia


PostgreSQL, MySQL, JSON, MongoDB, Redis


Headless CMS, Web Animation, Full-stack, Back-end, Software Design, Software Architecture, APIs, Front-end, RESTful Services, RESTful Microservices, RESTful Web Services, Web Services, Payment Gateways, CSS3 Animation, Payment APIs, Serverless, eCommerce, eCommerce APIs, Responsive Design, Back-end Development, Apollo Server, User Experience (UX), Storybook, WCAG 2, Accessibility, User Interface (UI), Styled-components, Data Visualization, Front-end Development, DOM, API Integration, Architecture, Scalable Architecture, Web Development, Front-end Architecture, Full-stack Development, SaaS, Sprint Planning

Collaboration That Works

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