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验证专家  in 金融



奥利维亚有超过十年的咨询经验, 专业估值, 财务及商业规划, M&A、融资和尽职调查. She has advised business owners globally on financial planning and strategy optimization during the fundraising and exit process. 奥利维亚 also works with investors for portfolio 估值 work, 基金模型的发展, 尽职调查. She is a 注册估价分析员 and is specialized in early-stage 估值s.


高级顾问| M&A
TJP咨询 & 管理







  • Prepared the financial models and documents for an architecture company looking to raise funds for a hotel project in the 中东; also prepped them for management meetings.
  • Gave a fundraising and 估值 workshop for Korean tech startups and mentored them individually to help them understand the value of their company; prepared briefs on their potential as investments.
  • Advised on 估值 and negotiations for the ongoing potential acquisition of a sports media company in the UK.
  • Built detailed financial models for numerous early-stage businesses globally to help them assess the feasibility of their projects and adjust their strategies accordingly. Prepared 估值s, pitch decks, business plans, and 估值 reports.
  • 研究ed legal capital requirements in different countries for a fintech startup to efficiently structure the company and estimate the funds needed to establish a business.
  • Collaborated with an engineering company to quantify the financial profitability of energy efficiency measures for a stadium.
  • Valued the startup holdings of a venture capital portfolio and advised on the most promising companies. Created a financial model for a new venture's capital fund.
  • 车ried out the due diligence of a car parts manufacturing company in Germany, including financial planning and preparing documents and consolidated financial statements for the acquisition's bank financing.
  • Advised on the fundraising of a hardware company in Sub-Saharan Africa, 为投资者准备好文件, 接洽并安排与投资者的电话联系.
  • 进行市场可行性研究, 包括市场规模, 竞争分析, 以及客户预测, 一家医疗软件初创公司.
关注领域:创业金融, 条件估价法, 注册估价分析员, 私募股权估值, 定价策略, 创业融资, 年轻的资本, 融资, 尽职调查, 可行性研究, 筹款, P&预测,演示文稿,财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 财务战略, 项目融资, 企业融资, 股票估值, 估值倍数, 估值建模, 估值, 投资备忘录, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 可再生能源, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 迪拜, Fintech, 商业模式, 亚太(亚太地区), 风险资本, 早期风险投资, 软件即服务(SaaS), 融资, 商业策略, 热情好客, 奢侈品行业, 市场, 电子商务, 演示文稿设计, Three-statement建模, DCF模型, 情景分析, 退出策略, Edtech设计, 教育科技(Edtech), 策略, 中东, 投资, 早期的创业公司, 球场上甲板顾问, 融资策略, 投资意向书咨询

高级顾问| M&A

2012 - 2014
TJP咨询 & 管理
  • 车ried out liquidity planning and prepared documents as part of NPL restructuring assignments for small businesses in Southeastern Europe on behalf of the World Bank.
  • Handled the sale of a PV solar park to a specialized buyer.
  • Advised on restructuring a diversified natural resources and mining group, 准备投资人名单,接洽投资人, 以及谈判文件. Also provided input on the right timing for the disposal of its assets.
  • 编制财务预测, 估值, and project financing model for a large solar company in Eastern Europe.
  • Completed the 估值 of an alternative investment fund with subsidiaries in different countries for the preparation of group financial statements.
  • 车ried out the 估值 of part of a food processing company and advised on the exit strategy and potential stock exchange delisting for the sale of the division.
  • Prepared the 估值 of an IT services business for the introduction of new shareholders.
  • 车ried out the liquidity planning for an insolvent natural resources group during the restructuring process.
重点领域:预算, 预算控制, 条件估价法, 尽职调查, 可行性研究, 投资总结, 投资者的演讲, 流动性覆盖率(LCR), 收入 & 费用预测, 收入模型, 预估财务报表, 财务预测, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 股票估值, 股票研究, 项目融资, 企业融资, 调整后现值(APV), 估值倍数, 估值, 估值建模, 资产估值, 资本投资评估, 投资者关系, 投资备忘录, 投资简报, 夹层, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 可再生能源, 融资, 商业策略, 演示文稿设计, Three-statement建模, DCF模型, 情景分析, 退出策略, 策略, 投资, 食物 & 饮料,私募股权


2009 - 2012
  • Managed international due diligence process of a target group of companies and carried out due diligence of the local subsidiary on behalf of a potential acquirer in the paper industry.
  • Developed 估值 assignment methods and processes for the company's internal quality assurance directives.
  • Advised a software company on target requirements for different stock exchanges.
  • 车ried out a joint venture 估值 of various subsidiaries of two food processing companies with global subsidiaries to assess the joint venture share split.
  • Conducted the 估值 of a de-listed aviation company after a takeover to evaluate compensation for the squeezed-out shareholders.
  • Completed the intellectual property 估值 for a group of companies in the publishing industry.
  • 车ried out the real estate 估值 of some commercial properties for tax reporting purposes.
  • 为一家本地生物燃料公司进行估值.
关注领域:股票研究, 管理, 审计, 金融, 房地产, 知识产权估价, 资产估值, 金融资产减值模型, 估值建模, 调整后现值(APV), 评价, 风险, 金融基准测试, 尽职调查, 估值倍数, 估值, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 可再生能源, 合资企业, 演示文稿设计, Three-statement建模, DCF模型, 情景分析, 策略, 投资, 食物 & 饮料


2007 - 2009
  • Managed the communication exchange and distributed investment teasers to global M&一个部门.
  • Conducted research for global corporate finance departments and advised on databases and information management.
  • Prepared thought leadership publications on global capital markets.
重点领域:事务建模, 企业融资, 财务数据, 数据分析, 估值倍数, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 资本市场, 市场研究, 股票研究, 可再生能源, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 策略, 投资
2014 - 2014


全国注册估价师和分析师协会 - Germany

2003 - 2007








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