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Miklos Philips
Verified Expert in Design

Miklos is a UX designer, product design strategist, author, 在设计领域拥有超过18年经验的演讲者.



Financial Times

记得你妈妈警告过你不要跑下楼梯,因为你可能会摔倒受伤? 或者当你把手掌放在蜡烛的火焰上,开始感觉到燃烧? The “laws of UX” are similar—they are cause and effect relationships 一个事件(因)导致另一个事件(果)发生。. 无论设计师承认与否,这些“法则”都在起作用 will affect the effectiveness of a design.

Take Miller’s Law, for example, “一般人只能在工作记忆中记住大约7个项目?.“当这个规则被忽视时,人们就会被迫思考超出他们应该思考的问题. UX professionals refer to this phenomenon as cognitive overload.

Ignoring Miller’s Law can have negative consequences that may impede the UX, i.e., if there are too many things people have to remember, it could cause frustration and decision paralysis.


A cousin to Miller’s Law is Hick’s Law, 其中写道:“做出决定所需的时间随着选择的数量和复杂性而增加.” It’s easy to see how they’re related. In a poorly designed scenario, 呈现过多选择的UI可能同时违反这两条定律 and 要求人们在完成一项任务时记住太多的事情.

Then there’s Fitts’s Law. Specific to human-computer-interaction (HCI) on desktops, 例如,菲茨定律预测“快速移动到目标区域所需的时间是与目标距离和目标宽度之比的函数”, how large a button is, and how far it is from the cursor’s position in the UI.

Fitts定律UI示例公式演示- UX定律

Many UX designers forget that Fitts’s Law——以及其他许多用户体验法则——也可以创造性地使用,将破坏性的功能放在UI中难以触及的位置,比如重置表单或网页表单上的“取消”按钮.

It’s important to remember that, typically, Fitts’s Law doesn’t apply to mobile. However, 即使没有光标移动到目标位置, 设计师可以利用从一个点触到另一个点触的距离来阻碍或辅助交互. For example, 一个“注销”图标可以放在手机屏幕的顶部, and the confirmation could come up on the bottom.

良好的客户体验是建立在信任和有意义的、一致的互动基础上的. Any designer 称职的人必须考虑认知心理学以及他们的作品对目标受众的影响. For example, 如果考虑到一家拥有超过2500万手机客户的银行,很容易看出忽视这一点是多么困难 laws of UX 会严重影响应用的用户体验,从而影响他们的底线吗.

Taken collectively, 观察这些UX法则可以帮助指导数字设计师创造出最好的产品 effective design for any given product. 尽管它们不是实际的法律,但却是经过验证的 cause and effect relationships, UX designers should nevertheless, 注意用户体验法则背后的驱动力,以便设计出更好的产品.

The Laws of UX infographic

Understanding the basics

  • Why is Fitts's Law important?

    菲茨定律演示了如何通过仔细调整界面元素的大小和定位来简化交互. 它指出:获取目标所需的时间是与目标的距离和大小的函数. 在设计按钮和其他可点击的屏幕元素时,这一点尤为重要.

  • What is Hick's Law?

    Hick’s law, or the Hick–Hyman law, 以英美心理学家威廉·埃德蒙·希克和雷·海曼的名字命名, 描述一个人做出决定所花费的时间,因为他或她有可能的选择:增加选择的数量将以对数方式增加决策时间.

  • What is Miller's Law and what is it for?

    米勒定律指出,一般人只能在他们的工作记忆中保留7(+或- 2)个项目. 它强调了“分块”的好处,即通过将与感知特征相关的信息(如水果类型或词性)分组,来简化复杂的任务.

  • What is Occam's Razor? Give an example of how it applies.

    奥卡姆剃刀指的是一种哲学思想或科学原理,即如果一件事存在两种解释, the simpler one is usually the better choice—e.g., one of the fence posts is broken. 要么是a)一只驼鹿穿过它,要么是b)一些螺丝掉了,因为它太旧了. “B” is more likely.

  • Why do they call it Occam's Razor?

    William of Ockham, 14世纪研究逻辑学的方济各会修士, first made this principle,that states, “More things should not be used than are necessary,” well known. “剃刀”这个词是一个隐喻——奥卡姆剃刀去除不必要的解释,就像剃刀剃掉多余的头发一样.

  • What is the Pareto 80/20 rule?

    The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

  • What is the Isolation Effect?

    隔离效应(也被称为冯·雷斯托夫效应)是指人们倾向于回忆起群体中突出的事物,并赋予它比同类更大的权重. 它是以德国心理学家海德维格·冯·雷斯托夫的名字命名的,他在1933年首次记录了这一现象.

  • Who found the serial position effect?


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Miklos Philips

Miklos Philips

Verified Expert in Design

London, United Kingdom

Member since May 20, 2016

About the author

Miklos is a UX designer, product design strategist, author, 在设计领域拥有超过18年经验的演讲者.

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